CO2 emissions in production have been reduced by 50% compared to 2016/17 ( Scope 1 and 2 ).
The Future is Circular
Leveraging the circular economy for more sustainability:
Sustainability Report 2020 / 21 and 2021 / 22
The full version of this Sustainability Report with facts, figures and tables is available here PDF.
Foreword by CEO Oliver Brauner

“We are on track to achieve the key goal of becoming completely CO2-neutral by 2050.”
Our business is energy and resource intensive. There is no way around this. However, some years ago we took on the responsibility of significantly reducing the use of energy and resources: specifically, cutting CO2 emissions by 50% by the year 2030.
For some years now we have been on the path toward becoming a more sustainable company. We were also able to take some steps forward in the 2020/21 and 2021/22 reporting periods. Our “PLANBLUE” sustainability program is not about a quick fix. Sustainability has to prove itself, it has to change the company in the long term, and it has to take people with it. And we also have to convince our customers. The entire industry is now thinking and talking about sustainability, and visions are being adopted. As a supplier, we can certainly play our part in making this happen – through ambitious goals of our own, concrete measures and innovations.
PLANBLUE: this is our path toward becoming a sustainable company. We want to achieve our goals together – with our employees. We cannot do this without them. And this is also reflected in PLANBLUE's three fields of action: Our People, Our Business, Our World. I am very pleased, and also proud, to be able to present RONAL GROUP’s first sustainability report to the public. This report will show where we are, what we are currently working on and what interim goals we have achieved. We are on track to achieve the key goal of becoming completely CO2-neutral by 2050.
PLANBLUE is our path toward becoming a sustainable company. RONAL GROUP aims to reduce CO2 emissions in production by 50% by 2030 and to be completely CO2 neutral by 2050.
The carbon footprint of all RONAL GROUP wheels is known and traceable.
RONAL GROUP is CO2-neutral.
MWh of electricity generated – thanks to four solar energy systems and a combined heat and power plant. This equals the energy consumption of 15200 households in Switzerland, according to EnergieSchweiz, Swiss Federal Office of Energy.
of aluminum suppliers are ASI certified (Aluminum Stewardship Initiative).
CO2 emissions for RONAL GROUP, including the upstream supply chain (Scopes 1, 2 & 3) in tons:
RONAL GROUP committed to Circular Economy
The circular economy is the antithesis of the throw-away society. Instead of just making products, consuming them and then disposing of them, resources should be treated for what they often are: rare goods.
For RONAL GROUP, the most important raw material is aluminum. It is not only the main component of the wheels, it is also responsible for more than two thirds of our entire CO2 emissions. However, as energy-intensive as the metal is, it can be recycled in line with the circular economy. If one kilogram of primary aluminum still causes four to twelve kilograms of CO2 emissions, aluminum at the end of its life cycle emits only 0.5 kg CO2.
That is why RONAL GROUP is committed to circular economy, making its contribution to a more sustainable industry with new projects for aluminum recycling such as RONAL-Re, but also with innovations for resource conservation and more efficient processes. For RONAL GROUP, the future is a circle. And it's really beginning to get rolling now.
“There should be no Greenwashing”

With PLANBLUE, RONAL GROUP has made sustainability one of its core issues. Judith Pietschmann and Nadine Schaufelberger, Group Environment, in an interview about what has been achieved so far, the challenges faced, and the outlook ahead.